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Made from porous lava, formed by volcanic activity, lava stones provide a natural abrasive texture without being too harsh on your skin. Regular use of the pumice stone will reveal healthier, softer skin underneath. It works best for exfoliating tough skin, like on your feet. (pst! This is a GREAT addition to use with our Pedi in a Box kits!) 


To Use:

1. Wet your skin. If you’re removing hard skin on your heels, a callus, or a wart, soak the area for 5 to 10 minutes first to soften it.

2. Wet the pumice and rub it against your skin using light, short strokes in the same direction.

4. Apply moisturizer to keep your skin soft and smooth.

5. Repeat daily as necessary.

*Soak your pumice stone in an antibacterial solution once or twice a week to control germs.

Pedicure Lava Stone

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